Nursing Interventions for Stevens Johnson Syndrome

Stevens Johnson Syndrome Nursing Interventions
  1. Lack of knowledge about the disease process in relation to the lack of information

    Goal :

    Knowledge of client / family will increase after given health education

    Result Criteria :
    • Client / family understand the illness
    • Client / family cooperative in care / treatment

    Intervention :
    • Assess the level of knowledge of client / family about the disease
    • Describe the disease process in simple language
    • Tell us about the care and treatment procedures
    • Give notes that drugs should be avoided by the client.

  2. Fulfillment of nutritional disorders: Less than body requirements related to the difficulty in swallowing.
    Goal : Nutritional needs are met during treatment
      Result Criteria :
      • There are no signs of dehydration
      • Diet provided exhausted
      • Results of serum electrolytes within normal limits
      • Assess client's ability to swallow food
      • Give a liquid diet
      • Explain to the client and family about the importance of nutrition for healing clients
      • Monitoring fluid balance
      • Assess for signs of dehydration and disruption elekrolit
      • If necessary collaboration for the installation of NGT