NCP Anxiety / Ineffective Individual Coping related to related to HNP

Herniated Nucleus Pulposus

Nursing Diagnosis : Anxiety / Ineffective individual coping related to crisis situations, socioeconomic status, role function. Repeated disturbances with continuous pain situation, the inadequate relaxation, exercise little or not at all, the inadequate methods of coping.

Purpose :
Anxiety lost / reduced.

Expected outcomes :
  • Clients seem relaxed and reported reduced anxiety at the level can be overcome.
  • Identifying ineffectiveness coping behavior and its consequences.
  • Assessing the current situation accurately.
  • Demonstrate problem solving skills.
  • Develop a plan for the necessary lifestyle changes.

NCP Anxiety / Ineffective Individual Coping related to related to HNP

Nursing Interventions

Independent :
  • Assess the patient's level of anxiety.
  • Provide accurate information and answer honestly.
  • Provide the opportunity for patients to express their concerns such as the possibility of paralysis, the effect on sexual function, changes in work / financial, changes in roles and responsibilities.
  • Assess the secondary problems that may impede the desire to heal and may impede the healing process.
  • Note the behavior of the nearest / families that increase the "sick role" patients.
Collaboration :
  • Refer to the existing support group, social services, financial counselor / counselor work, psychotherapy and so forth.