Food Allergy More Common in Infants

Food allergies occur due to immunity to a particular food component. People suffering from food allergies need to be cautious as they give from mild to life threatening symptoms. Allergy to a particular food can even trigger anaphylactic shock, which results in breathing problems, and a drop in blood pressure. Food allergies are not very common but are mostly found in young children.

The common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, wheezing, nausea, swelling around the mouth or throat, itchy skin rashes, and abdominal pain. These symptoms develop immediately after you take the food you are allergic to. The severity of symptoms depends on the food.

Lactose intolerant people can suffer from mild reactions of a food allergy. Lactose intolerance occurs due to the deficiency of lactase (enzyme) that breaks the sugar. People deficient in this enzyme usually develop symptoms after having food products that contain lactose, like milk.

Food Allergy Causes
Food products that can cause allergy include walnuts, milk, wheat, peanuts, and soy. It is advisable to avoid the food that causes an allergy. You can figure out the food product you are allergic to by maintaining a record of the food you have. You should read the food labels because the product may contain ingredients you are allergic to. You should consult an allergist for medication in case of severe reactions. Skin or specific blood radioallergosorbent test (RAST) helps to detect the food product you are allergic.

Ways to Prevent Food Allergies in Infants
Breastfeed the infant for first six months without offering solids. You can consider hypoallergenic formula for your infant in case you are not breastfeeding. However, if you are breastfeeding your child, avoid peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and similar potential allergenic food items.

Food allergies could be hereditary in nature. If either parent suffers from a food allergy, the child is at high risk of having it. In such situations, you should offer solids starting with rice, oat, and cereals rich in iron. You should introduce wheat cereals later. Before introducing citrus fruits or juices, you should introduce vegetables. Once the child is 8-9 months you can introduce protein food. New food should be introduced slowly and only one at a time with a gap of 4-5 days. This will help you determine if your child will develop an allergy to a particular food.

Food Allergies

If you feel an inflammation or an itching sensation in your mouth or food pipe after you have eaten a specific food you may have developed an allergy for. Troubled breathing, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, etc., are some symptoms of food allergies. Similar allergies may be caused due to the intake of certain drugs too. Certain chemicals in these drugs may make your immune system react abnormally and thereby cause allergies.

Once we know the things that we may be allergic to we can take preventive measures by avoiding inhalation, contact or consumption of those allergens.

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