Nursing Interventions for Scabies

Nursing Diagnosis: Acute Pain

Nursing Intervention:

  • Assess the intensity of pain, characteristics and note the location
  • Provide frequent skin care, get rid of unpleasant environmental stimuli
  • Collaboration with doctor in providing analgesia
  • Collaboration of antibiotics

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired sleep pattern

Nursing Intervention:
  • Give comfort to the client (client's cleanliness bed)
  • Collaboration with doctor in providing analgesic
  • Record the number of clients awake at night
  • Provide a comfortable environment and reduce noise
  • Give a warm drink (milk) if necessary
  • Give classical music as a bedtime

Nursing Diagnosis: Anxiety

Nursing Intervention:

  • Identification of anxiety
  • Use a calm approach
  • Accompany the patient to provide security and reduce fear
  • Help patients recognize situations that cause anxiety
  • Provide factual information about diagnosis, prognosis action