Physical Examination in Nursing

Examination or physical assessment in nursing used to obtain objective data from the client's nursing history. The physical examination should be carried out simultaneously with the interview. The focus of nursing physical assessment is performed on the client's functional ability.

The purpose of physical examination in nursing is to determine the client's health status, identify health problems and take the basic data for determining the plan of nursing actions.

Physical assessment approach can be used:

1. Head to toe

This approach is carried out starting from the head and then subsequently to the foot. Starting at: general condition, vital signs, head, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth and throat, neck, chest, lung, heart, abdomen, kidneys, back, genetalia, rectum, ektremitas.

2. Review of Systems (ROS)

Studies made covering all body systems, namely: general condition, vital signs, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, persyarafan system, urinary system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system and the integument, reproductive system. The information obtained helps nurses to determine which body systems need special attention.

3. Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns

Nurses collect data systematically by evaluating patterns of health functions and physical assessment focuses on specific issues include: health perception-health management, nutrition-metabolic pattern, the pattern of elimination, sleep-rest patterns, cognitive-perceptual patterns, role-related patterns, activity-exercise patterns, sexuality-reproductive patterns, coping-stress tolerance pattern, value-belief pattern.


Includes: activity / rest, circulation, ego integrity, elimination, food and liquids, hygiene, Neurosensori, pain / discomfort, respiratory, security, sexuality, social interaction, education / learning.

Four Techniques of Physical Examination