A. Depending On Function (Polit et al 2001)
- Descriptive-to identify the properties and workings of a discipline
- Explanatory-to examine how properties relate and thus affect the discipline
- Predictive-to calculate relationships between properties and how they occur
- Prescriptive -to identify under which conditions relationships occur
B. Depending on the Generalisability of their principles
- Metatheory: the theory of theory. Identifies specific phenomena through abstract concepts.
- Grand theory: provides a conceptual framework under which the key concepts and
C. Principles of the discipline can be identified.
- Middle range theory: is more precise and only analyses a particular situation with a limited number of variables.
- Practice theory: explores one particular situation found in nursing. It identifies explicit goals and details how these goals will be achieved.
D. Based on the philosophical underpinnings of the theories
- “Needs “theories.
- “Interaction” theories.
- “Outcome “theories.
- Humanistic theories.
Source : currentnursing.com