Giving a Bed Bath
A patient who cannot get out of bed need to have his bathroom needs attended in bed. Bed bath should be performed at least once a day. Find out the patient's preferences for bathing practices, such as frequency of bathing, time of day bathing preferred, and type of hygiene products used.
Tips on Giving a Bed Bathing :
- Make sure that the fan or air-con is switched-off to prevent the patient from catching chills.
- Offer a urinal or bedpan, if required, before bed bathing.
- Prepare all the items you need and bring them to the bedside so that they are within reach.
- Be comforting. Don’t rush through the procedure!
- Be sure the water temperature is not extreme.
- Allow patient to participate as much as his condition allows.
- Expose only the areas to be cleansed to preserve modesty. For example, cover top half of body while washing legs.
- To reduce embarrassment, talk to the patient throughout the procedure.
- Begin by washing and drying the face, then the neck and ears, then the chest and arms.
- Change water as often as necessary.
- Continue with the lower part of the chest, abdomen and sides of the body, followed by the umbilicus and lower limbs.
- The patient is then turned and his back thoroughly washed and dried.
- Tidy the bed at the same time when the patient is turned on his side for you to clean his back. Remake the bed with clean linen, if necessary.
- Wash the groins and genitalia region with moist cotton wool. If the patient is well enough, he should do this for himself.
- Always wash and dry the areas immediately. Pay special attention to the skin folds, particularly those beneath the breasts, in the groin and between the buttocks and between the toes.
- Be sure to pat your patient dry, and remember that rubbing can be harsh for sensitive skin.
- Take this opportunity to assess the skin condition. Take note of any redness or broken skin.
- Take this opportunity to massage pressure areas with firm circular movements to promote circulation.
- Apply skin lotion to keep skin soft and supple. Excessive use of talcum powder should be avoided as it can cause the skin to be dry and itchy. This can lead to skin infection.
Source : healthnetcafe.com