NCP for Sinusitis

NCP for Sinusitis

Nursing Care Plan for Sinusitis


Definition of Sinusitis
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. It is usually caused by infection (bacterial or viral), but can also be caused by allergic reactions or other responses to environmental agents.

Description of Sinusitis
The sinuses are holes in the skull between the facial bones. There are four large sinuses: two inside the cheekbones (the maxillary sinuses) and two above the eyes (the frontal sinuses).

There are also smaller sinuses (ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses) located between the larger ones. The sinuses are lined with membranes that secrete antibody-containing mucus, which protects the respiratory passages from the onslaught of irritants in the air we breathe.

Symptoms of Sinusitis
The classic symptoms of chronic (long lasting) sinusitis are :
  • a dull ache or pressure across the midface, especially between or deep into the eyes
  • a headache that occurs daily for weeks at a time, and is often notably worse in the morning and with head movement
  • nasal congestion
  • postnasal drip

The classic symptoms of acute (short lasting) sinusitis are:
  • fever
  • nasal obstruction
  • raspy voice
  • pus-like (purulent) nasal discharge
  • loss of sense of smell
  • facial pain or headache that is sometimes aggravated by bending over (When pain is present, this may suggest which sinus is affected.)

Maxillary sinusitis (the most common type) manifests as cheek or dental pain. Forehead pain indicates frontal sinusitis. Pain at the bridge of the nose or behind the eye suggests ethmoid sinusitis. Pain is often referred to the top of the head with sphenoidal involvement.

Less common signs of sinusitis include:
  • sore throat
  • snoring
  • bad breath
  • chronic throat clearing
  • puffy eyes
  • coughing
  • stuffy ears
  • fatigue, irritability and depression
  • a chronic cold
  • asthma
  • bronchitis
Source :

NCP - Nursing Care Plan for Sinusitis

Nursing Assessment
  1. The identity of the patient: name, age, sex, address, ethnicity, nation, education, jobs.
  2. History of present illness: the patient complained of nasal congestion, headache, hot body, talk less clear.
  3. The main complaint: the patient usually complains of headache, sinus, throat.
  4. History of previous illness :
    • The patient had suffered from acute illness or trauma and bleeding nose
    • Ever have a history of disease Ear-Nose-Throat
    • Have a toothache molar
  5. Family history: Are there any illnesses suffered by family members earlier that might have anything to do with disease present clients.
  6. Psychosocial History
    • Intrapersonal: the feeling felt client (anxious / sad)
    • Interpersonal: relationship with other people.
  7. The Patterns of health functions
    • The pattern of perception and healthy living
      To reduce the flu usually patients taking the drug without considering side effects.
    • The pattern of nutrition and metabolism
      Usually the patient's appetite is reduced due to an interruption in the nose
    • The pattern of rest and sleep
      The patient was unable to rest because of frequent colds
    • Pattern Perception and self-concept
      Patients are often cold and smelled constantly causing decreased self-concept
    • The pattern of sensory
      Patients with impaired sense of smell due to nasal congestion due to colds continuously (both purulent, serous, mukopurulen).
  8. Physical examination
    • General health status: general condition, vital signs, consciousness.
    • Physical examination data focus on the nose: tender in sinus (red mucosa, and swelling).
Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention for Sinusitis

Nursing Care Plan for Sinusitis