Symptoms and How to Prevent Ear Infections in Infants and Children

Ear Infections in Infants and Children

Children are the age group most often affected ear infections. In fact, 2 or 3 times, when they caught a cold, they also end up with an infection in the ear. The main reason is that the immune system in children not yet mature, and that the children's ears, not as perfect as the ears of adults in terms of prevention of entry of foreign objects.

Infection of the outer ear is the most frequent ear infections, which usually occurs when the ear remains moist in quite a long time to breed bacteria. In addition to wet, cotton (or something that they enter into the ear) can cause ear infections. Be careful if children complain of ear itch or pain when touched.

In addition to the outer ear infections, middle ear infections are also common ear infections in children. Eustachian tube is a canal that connects the middle ear to the throat. This tube serves to maintain fluid and air pressure into the ear. Colds, flu, and allergies can irritate the Eustachian tube and cause it to swell.

If the eustachian tube is blocked, fluid accumulates in the middle ear. This makes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, which can cause infection. The doctor may check into the child's ear with an otoscope, which can blow a puff of air to make the ears vibrate. If the ear does not vibrate as much as it should, there is the possibility of fluid inside.

Symptoms of Ear Infections in Children

The main warning sign of an ear infection is a sharp ear pain. Children may be very uncomfortable lying down, so that he might find it difficult to sleep. Another issue to consider is:
  • Hearing disorders.
  • Fever.
  • Fluid flowing from the ear.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nasal congestion.

Symptoms of Ear Infection in Infants

In infants or children who are too small, to find out which parts are sick. Often the baby will start pulling at the ears. Young children also can only be fussy, difficulty sleeping, or not eating well. Babies can also reject a bottle of milk because the pressure in the ear makes sick swallow.

Prevent Ear Infections in Infants and Children

The biggest cause of infection of the middle ear is the common cold, so the spread of the flu virus will be good for the ears, too. The best way to stop the spread of germs is to make sure your children wash their hands well and often. Another way to prevent ear infections is keep children protected from cigarette smoke, and feeding your baby for at least 6 months to boost the immune system.