How to Get a Refreshing Night’s Sleep

How to Get a Refreshing Night’s Sleep

Keeping several simple rules can help to get a refreshing night’s sleep.

1. Take magnesium supplements one or two times a day, as lack of magnesium is a usual thing for women, causing them to wake up several times during the night. Calcium and antioxidants supplements will also help to get a good sleep.

2. Try to avoid alcohol and caffeine.

3. Never overeat before bedtime. However, light and healthy snack before going to bed can help. Make sure the meal is low in carbohydrates but high in protein. A good example is cottage cheese, regular cheese, lean meat or fresh fruit.

4. Change your bedroom a little – take the TV away, cover all the mirrors and always sleep in the dark so that nothing could disturb you.

5. Keep doing exercise on a regular basis.

6. Develop your own ritual of going to bed and stick to it. Try to tell your body it’s time to relax by changing into your pajamas and completing the evening hygiene an hour or a half before planned going to bed. Don’t break a schedule on weekends – go to bed at usual time.

7. Clean your head before bedtime. Don’t keep pondering about the events of the day, trying to recall or memorize what you’ve said, did or never did, don’t plan the “to do” list for the next day, just turn your brain off. If you have any difficulties with that, try a prayer and deep breaths. Writing down whatever is worrying you might also be helpful – you would be able to think about everything in the morning.

8. Calm and relax in the evening, avoid reading, watching or talking about anything disturbing.

9. Meditation helps much of course.

10. If you tried everything said above and still experience difficulties with falling asleep, don’t despair. Get out of bed and go take some natural aid supporting sleeping, valerian root for example. It will finally help you re-establish sleeping patterns.

Never get upset if you can’t get to sleep. That won’t last forever, and it’s mostly up to you to relax and wake in the morning fresh and happy!