Nursing Interventions for Patiens with Loss of Mobility or Function

Nursing Interventions for Patiens with Loss of Mobility or Function

Activity intolerance
Schedule frequent rest periods
Alternate periods of rest with planned activities
Active or passive range-of-motion exercises
Isometric exercises
Arrange environment so frequently used items are nearby
Develop exercise program (PT, OT)
Explore lifestyle changes
Knowledge deficit
Altered peripheral tissue perfusion
Alter position frequently
Range-of-motion exercises
Anti-embolism stockings
Pneumatic compression devices
Assess for signs of thrombosis
Frequent neurovascular checks
Assess for circulatory impairment due to immobilization devices
Avoid pressure behind knees
Stop smoking
Impaired skin integrity
Inspect skin frequently
Implement measures to decrease skin friction/pressure from bed and immobilization devices
Alter position frequently
Aseptic technique for dressing changes
Risk for infection
Monitor vital signs
Incentive spirometry; coughing, deep breathing
Increase fluid intake
Monitor intake and output
Encourage well-balanced diet high in protein and vitamins
Aseptic technique for pin site care and wound care
Self-care deficit
Use adaptive equipment as necessary
Provide assistance with ADL as needed
Safe use of ambulatory devices
Consult with OT and PT
Home health care

Teach patient and family about :
• Hazards of immobility
• Increase fluid intake and fiber in diet
• Deep breathing and coughing
• Inspection and care of skin
• Correct application of immobilization devices
• Maintenance of safe home environment
• When to seek medical advice

Source : Orthopedic Nursing : Caring for Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders
Dr. Judith A. Halstead