Signs of Postoperative Complications

  • Pneumonia: Elevated temperature, cough, expectoration of blood-tinged or purulent sputum, dyspnea, chest pain.
  • Atelectasis: Marked dyspnea, cyanosis, pleural pain, tachycardia, increased respiratory rate, fever, productive cough, auscultatory crackling sounds.
  • Pulmonary Embolism: Sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, cyanosis, shock (tachycardia, low blood pressure).
  • Thrombophlebitis: Aching, cramping pain: affected area is swollen, red, and hot to touch; vein feels hard; discomfort in calf when foot is dorsiflexed or when client walks (Homans' Sign).
  • Thrombus or embolus: Same as for pulmonary embolism; if dislodged in heart or brain, assess cardiac or neurologic signs.
  • Urinary retention: Fluid intake larger than output, inability to void or frequent voiding of small amounts, bladder distention, suprapubic discomfort, restlessness bladder palpable above the pubic symphysis.
  • Urinary infection: Burning sensation when voiding, urgency, cloudy urine, lower abdominal pain.
  • Constipation: Abscence of stool elimination, abdominal distention, and discomfort.
  • Tympanies: Obvious abdominal distention, abdominal discomfort (gas pain), absence of bowel sounds.
  • Wound Infection: Purulent exudate, redness, tenderness, elevated body temperature, wound odor.
  • Wound Dehiscence: Increased incision drainage; tissues underlying skin become visible along parts of the incision.
  • Wound Evisceration: Opening of incision and visible protrusion of organs.